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In the realm of medical conditions, “Neurogenic Bladder” stands as a significant issue, profoundly impacting those who experience it. This condition, often linked to neurological disorders, disrupts the normal functioning of the bladder, leading to a myriad of challenges. This article is your comprehensive guide to understanding the term “neurogenic bladder,” its ICD-10-CM code, and the various types of neurogenic bladder. So, if you’re searching for information on “neurogenic bladder icd 10,” you’re in the right place.

What is the New Term for Neurogenic Bladder?

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical terminology, the newer term for “neurogenic bladder” is “neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction.” This updated terminology provides a more encompassing view of conditions that affect the lower urinary tract due to neurological issues. By using this precise terminology, medical professionals can accurately diagnose and treat patients, taking into account the broader spectrum of disorders affecting bladder function.

What is a Neurogenic Bladder Condition?

A neurogenic bladder condition is a medical ailment that results from a disruption in the bladder’s normal functionality due to neurological issues. The normal functioning of the bladder is intricately tied to the nervous system, which controls its storage and release of urine. When neurological disorders interfere with this delicate balance, it can lead to various problems, including urinary incontinence, difficulty emptying the bladder, and an increased risk of urinary tract infections.

Neurogenic bladder conditions can arise from a range of neurological disorders, such as spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, strokes, and other conditions that affect the nerves responsible for bladder control. The severity of these conditions can vary, with some individuals experiencing mild symptoms while others face significant challenges in managing their bladder function.

What is the ICD-10 Code for N31.81?

In the world of medical coding and classification, the ICD-10-CM system plays a pivotal role. It provides a standardized method for categorizing diseases, conditions, and medical procedures. For neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, the specific ICD-10 code is N31.81. This alphanumeric code is crucial for healthcare professionals, enabling them to document and bill for this condition accurately. It is also indispensable for insurance companies to track and categorize the conditions for claims processing.

What Are the Two Types of Neurogenic Bladder?

Neurogenic bladder conditions are diverse, and two primary types exist:

  1. Spastic Neurogenic Bladder: In this type, the bladder muscles become overactive, contracting involuntarily. This leads to symptoms such as urgency, frequent urination, and incontinence. Conditions like multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries often result in a spastic neurogenic bladder.
  2. Flaccid Neurogenic Bladder: On the other hand, the flaccid neurogenic bladder is characterized by weak or underactive bladder muscles. Individuals with this type often struggle to empty their bladder fully, leading to issues like urinary retention and a heightened risk of urinary tract infections. Conditions such as spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, and certain neurological disorders can cause a flaccid neurogenic bladder.

In conclusion, “neurogenic bladder icd 10” is an essential topic for anyone seeking information on this medical condition. Understanding the updated term “neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction,” the ICD-10 code N31.81 and the two primary types of neurogenic bladder is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

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